Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Little Community Project

LoLa's Garden have several varieties of tomato plants, and zucchinis, eggplants, and herbs for "Community" and "Plant a Row for the Hungry" gardeners in Spokane, Washington. And if you are an elementary school teacher in our area who is passionate about the environment, gardening, or nutrition, I also have a lot of Sungold tomato plants, the best tasting cherry type, to give to your students. Just to experiment and experience the taste of garden-fresh vegetable, and to help create fun memories that leads to a healthy lifestyle. Sungold is early, easy to grow and very productive.

If you are interested email me at lolavirg@gmail.com for more information and to reserve your plant. I will take orders until they're gone. Pick up day is Sunday, May 30. The plants are free to the above gardeners and teachers only.

Tomatoes: Early Girl, Celebrity, Big Beef, Brandywine, Anna Russian, San Marzano, Sungold, Yellow Pear, Super Sweet 100, Merlot, Cabernet, Tami G.

Zucchinis: Black Beauty, Baby Bush, Yellow Butterstick, Costata Romanesco.